Somewhere along the line, though not too long ago, I became a writer. Some years ago I read a book that changed my life. Please pardon the cliche. In this case, it’s true. I got so excited about what I had read, I was compelled to get the word out.

I enthused to a friend about this book and how much I wanted to spread the word. She said, “Why don’t you write a blog?” I balked—who would read it? I’m not an influencer and I don’t do Facebook! Her rejoinder also changed my life. “It doesn’t matter who reads it. (Though I hope you will.) Just put it out to the Universe.”

Thus began the blog. Here’s a sample post to whet your appetite for uplifting, challenging, and spirited transformation.


The World of Conscious Ageing

Step into the world of conscious ageing and what do you find? Here you might see yourself in a new life stage, one full of the potential for purpose, growth and service to your community. Here you might actually find yourself realising that potential.

You might also find yourself examining your current beliefs about what is possible for your life, whether that be weeks or decades. From these beliefs spring the intentions which shape our daily lives. Most importantly these beliefs shape who we are in each moment.

In this world you might find yourself asking what matters, right now, and what matters most? The answers to these questions create your actions, your thoughts, and possibly your emotional state. Does the state of the planet matter most to you? Does the state of those you hold dear matter most? Is it your inner drive to create that tops the list of many things that matter? Or might the upcoming visit to the doctor matter most, right now, in this moment?

The invitation to age with awareness holds within it the question, “Why are you here?” You have probably already filled years, decades, with work (drudgery or visionary), volunteering (enlivening or boring), relationships (joyful or troubled), and dreams (fulfilled or thwarted). So what is left to do with the time ahead?

A vision, an intention, for these years that Zalman Schachter-Shalomi called “bonus years” serves as a lodestone, a guide for each day. This lodestone is a magnetic force that can guide the journey through these years. Your intention for today, and the rest of your days, might attract you to that which holds the deepest meaning for you, and make each day significant, possibly even revelatory. That magnetic force might attract like-minded, like-hearted people and activities to you.

The path of small steps, guided by the lodestone, brings satisfaction and joy of purpose. These bonus years, then, are filled with value and relevance, gratification and enlivenment.


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From the blog, a book evolved. Read more about “Ageing with Awareness: 52 Contemplations for a Year of Inspiration”.